Thursday, February 19

The Middle Ground

I've figured it out. The problem with my finding a job is that I'm too experienced and not experienced enough. There is this miserable middle ground in corporate America that is Not an assistant/Not a director/Once was a manager. Welcome to my middle earth people. My one wish is that this middle earth be full of more hobbits because at least hobbits are cute and they seemingly like to eat good food.

No, it is white-collar middle-manager middle earth. It's the stuff that movies like Office Space are made of. And by the way, you should check out your hobbit name. Mine is Tigerlily Grubb.

But then again, it could just be that I'm looking in the wrong place and that corporate America has given me all it has to give. And now it's time for Tigerlilly Grubb to get out there and find something else.


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