Friday, November 26

Oh to write

i have this image of myself, sitting in a home library (that doesn't exist), writing stories (that don't exist), and words flow endlessly out of my mind and onto paper. tonight, i planned to bring such an image to life. I planned to sit and write to my heart's content. and instead, i looked at my cell phone bill online (which is heartbreaking really), and picked out a computer for my little brothers-in-law for christmas.

i did manage to eek out a few new sentences and to delete plenty of old ones. but it makes me think thati should just
give up the dream. but somehow i can't. i think that the combination of internet access and procrastination is the life and death of me. i keep thinking that grad school will help me focus, but somehow, i know that computers will be involved. and i just can't focus when i'm online. distractions are everywhere!


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