Thursday, October 5

A New Bent

So I think I'm going to try to refocus my blog. Not that anyone is currently paying attention to it -- I'm barely paying attention to it. But I'm turning over a new leaf -- really, I am! Rather than pontificate on current events, I'm going to take a look back. Tell some stories, so to speak. So here's the first one.

Nearly 13 years ago, I met hottie at a Halloween party in Madison. And while I don't remember the exact order of events, I do know that the first time he walked me home was when a ridiculous bar fight broke out at the Depot in Madison. It was between two groups of guys -- both of who were my friends. Hottie belonged to one group and when I walked out the bar in disgust, he walked out with me and proceeded to walk me home. He gave me the most gentlemanly kiss on my front porch and invited me to the upcoming Halloween party at his house. A few days later, I went to that Halloween party and that was it! I was smitten.

So dear little Wyatt -- what story will we tell him when he gets old enough? Do we just say we met in college? Or do we tell him about the bar fight, in order to educate him about our nonviolent ways? If he is good at math, he will realize that we were both underage at the bar, but maybe he won't do the calculation right away. And maybe he won't care. Will we tell him that his dad's group of friends were pizza drivers and that the other group of guys all made sub sandwiches at Big Mike's? Will we tell him we met around Halloween in Madison? Or just that we were in Madison?

Who knows. But it is funny to think about. I'm so lucky that I walked out of that bar that night. And that the hottie came with me.


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