Thursday, July 15

oh canada

out here in maple grove, which i like to refer to as canada without the cool politics, we still wait for work. yet, i've started doing more interesting, non work related things. after choosing a grad program that i can't afford, i found a place to donate my old mattress and chairs (thank you bridging), i've found the best website on the planet (thank you dogster) and i've been able to keep people apprised of where to find counter-rhetoric for our current president's attack ads (thank you John Kerry's D Bunker).

mostly, i've been working on a new story. i'm not getting anywhere quickly, writing isn't a quick process. i got great feedback on my story yesterday, even though yesterday i felt like crap. normally, i do a half-assed job of writing. i throw something together at the last minute and don't feel all that attached to it.

i really tried on this one. and i knew it wasn't perfect, but i felt more connected to it personally. so after the workshop, i came away thinking i'd written the worst story on the planet. it was really strange. but j and d made me feel much better and told me that it was shitty and i really should've known that on my own, but yesterday, i really didn't.

in the end, i think it's a good start that needs more work. which is why i'm glad i work in canada. gives me more time to do other things.

and look who i found today


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