Friday, July 16

Ode to Light Rail

I got hitched six years ago. In an effort to save money, we sold our old cars to buy one new car. We did what most Minnesotans think impossible and became a one-car family in the sprawling twin cities.

For the past six years, we've managed. For awhile, we both worked downtown and carpooling was a snap. Since December, we've been itching to get another car. We've looked casually (on Sundays since we can't buy one by accident), looked online, and I even test drove a used Passat last week. Ah...the leather interior, sunroof and lovely blue lights on the dashboard panel. I was so close. Yet somehow, it just doesn't seem critical enough. Our friends think we're crazy. But, until we need to rent a car more than once a month, it doesn't make sense to have another one.

And then comes light rail. No longer do we have to jockey for rides home, if one of us has to work late. While our morning commute is the same, coming home is a dream. Now we just get to Hiawatha and downtown Minneapolis is minutes away.

And tonight? Maybe we'll park and ride. Go see the Bodeans and not have to mess with parking downtown. Our car can sit at the 46th Street station, waiting for its two drivers to ride back on the Minnie. Plus, wouldn't we get lonely with two cars?


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