Thursday, July 29


so i've had about five hours of sleep since we returned from california. call it time zone adjustment or just plain ol' insomnia. i hate getting out of bed anyway. it's even worse when i don't feel like i've slept.

i had the weirdest dream. i've had lucid dreams since i was a kid and they can be completely earth shattering (getting bit -- and killed -- by a huge snake as i stood between it and my family...coinciding perfectly with my parents divorce) and completely obvious (being chased and shot at by men in black...coinciding with my horrific job of a few years ago. a job i obviously needed to quit).

so i dream that my old boss (DB: dumb bitch who "let me go unexpectedly") hires my mom to replace me in my old job. (and of course, even in my dream i'm feeling sorry for my mom since DB is so intolerable). i'm talking to these people at the company (who are all people from my childhood) who are talking about how much everyone misses me and likes my mom and thinks DB is crazy. what the hell? why can't i expunge her from my psyche? every time i think i'm home free and past the bitterness and this? dreaming about people you hate is not a pleasant way to spend dream time.

so with my five hours of sleep, i'm going to get a refill of coffee and hope that we get some work up here in canada. it's good for blogging, not great for boredom.


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