Business Travel
it seems like it should be easier to maintain a blog while staying in nice hotels in strange cities. it also seems like it should be easier to sleep in a comfy hotel bed, eat great food in cosmopolitan cities, see friends you haven't seen in awhile....yeah, right. business travel sucks. i mean, it has a purpose and i appreciate it. i'm very excited to work in multiple offices with multiple personalities. I love the freedom, independence and autonomy that comes along with it. but i miss home. i miss my hottie and my pooch. i miss home cooked meals and i miss my own bed.
i still love my job though. i got invited to the chicago office's holiday party. whoo hoo! and now i have to figure out what one wears to a holiday party in chicago with a bunch of people i don't know well, who seem to wear suits sometimes, but not always. i'm like a sociologist, a historian and a futurist all at the same time. and they call that marketing. ha!
i'll try to write more. i promise! and in fact, i'm working on a story on the road. it's difficult, but writing is always difficult, so why should writing while traveling be any worse?