Sunday, August 20

Like winning the lottery

So I am supposed to be paying bills right now, but instead, am checking my lottery tickets (all duds) and my fantasty nascar team (also not doing well). say what you want about the fact that i have a fantasy nascar team. It is the most ridiculous thing, but it takes hardly any time at all and I find that i now have a completely harmless topic to discuss with my father when i'm not interested in talking about life's more important things. i get why men love sports.

anyway, what is really like winning the lottery? i'll tell you -- that's right. a website where you can find missing money. and i just found some sort of rebate or refund owed to me from when i lived in Madison. i think it is from REI. So the state of Wisconsin has kindly been holding on to it for me in case I happened to figure out that the money was missing. in fact, I found $1000 for my aunt, though I have no idea whether she'll cash in or not.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find any money for anyone else in my family. bummer. i was thinking I could charge a finder's fee or something. c'est la vie. But take a few minutes and see if you have any missing money. it rocks. it's free and you never know!

Tuesday, August 15

It was all worth it

The past jobs, the struggle to find my career path -- I can tell you now that it was all worth it. Two weeks ago I started a new job. A job where I can actually pull up the blogger website without thinking that I will be fired. And I'm working for a company that is a mission-driven, for-profit company. Can you get much better than that? A company that is doing good in the world but is also making money? It's amazing. I'm so happy and thrilled.

And I still have the most beautiful baby in the world (and of course, I'm totally biased in this area). So here are some pictures. And he crawls!