long time no blog
craziness. between flying here and there and everywhere, no time for blogging. because if i was working on my own with my own self-commissioned laptop, i'd blog from any internet cafe around. but with the work-release laptop and the spying IT department, i've avoided blogging at work. it probably sounds lame, but with all of the stories out there (specifically stories pitched by my place of employment about employees blogging on the job), i thought better to blog in the comfort of my own home.
i'm totally burning out. not that this is a big surprise. i'm like a great fourth of july fireworks display. more color, light and noise than you could imagine, but then poof.....time to pack up your blanket and fight through traffic to the comfort of your own home. that's me. little ms. firecracker. i still like what i'm doing, for the most part. and i like the people i work with, except for a few whom i curse regularly and quietly. but the travel is really starting to kill me. not literally...but i'm damn worn out.
let's just say....when i started this job, i had 10,000 frequent flier miles. this was october '04. now...i'm at 100,000. i'm a silver elite member of northwest airlines. rather than an award, it seems more like an albatross. not to sound overly dramatic or anything.
so i'm going to go to sleep and hopefully not dream of work, lawyers, proposals, marketing or anything else in that realm. hopefully i will dream of much kinder things. like that dream job that can use a retired firecracker. i know it's out there. i just know it!