Once a workaholic, always....
Yeah -- so I thought I'd left those days behind me. Really I did. That either means that I'm totally delusional, it's too easy to slip back into old habits (even with the super mommy vibe), or switching jobs with an infant is completely insane. It is probably one of many of these things. Granted, I really dig what I'm doing. I'm learning a ton. I'm growing and stretching and all of those things. But I'm also doing that as a new mom. And on the friend side -- what friends? I've completely neglected them. It sucks. But today, I tried to turn back the clock. I tried to head back down the road of non-workaholic-ness. For the first time in 3 weeks, I did not bring my laptop home.
So now if I can just stop waking up at 4:30 am thinking about work (and then eventually working), and if I can leave work at a decent time (instead of getting home right as Wyatt is eating and oops -- then ready for bed, and if I can spend some time with my hottie, rather than blankly staring at my computer screen that is obviously not getting the work done on my behalf.
I need to learn very quickly the following skills:
--how to say no
--how to be mean
--how to not know how to do so much stuff
--how to act like i don't know how to do anything
Might be possible....check back and see.